
4 résultats pour : spears

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Summer Olympics Games poster - VIIIe Olympiade JEVX OLYMPQVES - Paris Olympics 1924 poster. Man throwing a spear.

Summer Olympics Games poster - VIIIe Olympiade JEV...

King Philip II of France, Philip Augustus (1165-1223) King of France at Battle of Bouvines (27 July 1214) a Decisive French Victory during Anglo-French War (Engr 1790) (Desfontaines,Moret) Engraving o...

King Philip II of France, Philip Augustus (1165-12...

Madame Tussaud's wax museum holds a ribbon cutting ceremony for the grand opening of its new location in Hollywood. The museum features wax statues of some of the greatest Hollywood stars and musician...

Madame Tussaud's wax museum holds a ribbon cutting...

Toulouse-Lautrec and naked model in his studio standing in front of his 1893 painting Au Salon de la rue des Moulins. Henri Marie Raymond Toulouse-Lautrec, aka Henri de Toulouse-Lautrec, 1864-1901. Fr...

Toulouse-Lautrec and naked model in his studio sta...