
5 résultats pour : painterly

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Rain in the country in summer, oil painting with palette knife

Rain in the country in summer, oil painting with p...

Nuyens’s Menthe (1922) - Vintage poster - Leonetto Cappiello. Old alcohol advertisement poster.

Nuyens’s Menthe (1922) - Vintage poster - Leonetto...

Le Trait-D’union - Vintage poster - Leonetto Cappiello. Advertisement poster, c 1916.

Le Trait-D’union - Vintage poster - Leonetto Cappi...

Lampe Osmine, Fabius Henrion, Nancy (1910) - Vintage poster - Leonetto Cappiello. Advertisement poster.

Lampe Osmine, Fabius Henrion, Nancy (1910) - Vinta...

An exhibition exploring the life of George IV reunites for the first time items that were commissioned and worn by the king at his famously flamboyant coronation at Westminster Abbey , London ,in 1821...

An exhibition exploring the life of George IV reun...