
9 résultats pour : monte cassino

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British Soldiers Firing Artillery, 1944. Creator: British Pathe Ltd.

British Soldiers Firing Artillery, 1944. Creator: ...

British Troops Bombarding Monte Cassino With Artillery, 1943-1944. Creator: British Pathe Ltd.

British Troops Bombarding Monte Cassino With Artil...

British Soldiers Firing Artillery, 1944. Creator: British Pathe Ltd.

British Soldiers Firing Artillery, 1944. Creator: ...

Allied Soldiers Loading Leaflets, Calling the Enemy to Surrender Into an Artillery Shell, 1944. Creator: British Pathe Ltd.

Allied Soldiers Loading Leaflets, Calling the Enem...

Allied Soldiers Loading Leaflets, Calling the Enemy to Surrender Into an Artillery Shell, 1943-1944. Creator: British Pathe Ltd.

Allied Soldiers Loading Leaflets, Calling the Enem...

Scène de la vie de saint Benoît : l'ange désignant à saint Benoît l'emplacement du monastère du mont Cassin, c1656.

Scène de la vie de saint Benoît : l'ange désignant...

Benedict of Nursia Orders the Destruction of the Temple of Apollo at Monte Cassino, mid-17th-early 18th century.

Benedict of Nursia Orders the Destruction of the T...

The ruins of Monte Cassino, Italy, World War II, 1944. Artist: Unknown

The ruins of Monte Cassino, Italy, World War II, 1...

New Zealand anti-tank gun crew in action, near Cassino, Italy, World War II, 1944. Artist: Unknown

New Zealand anti-tank gun crew in action, near Cas...