Splendore Dell' Antica Roma, c.1625

Splendore Dell' Antica Roma, c.1625


Splendore Dell' Antica Roma: The Splendors of Rome, Circa 1625 . historical Rome, Italy, Del Serenmo Gran duca di toscana Palazzo et giardino nel monte Pincio in Roma, Garden of the Grand Duke of Tuscany on the Monte Pincio. Villa Medici on the Monte Pincio. The garden of the Villa Medici at Monte Pincio were created in the late 1500s on the site of the ancient gardens of the Acilians near the field of Mars, Historisch, historical, digital improved reproduction of an original from the 17th century .


17e siècle


Photo12/Universal Images Group/Bildagentur-online

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