Engraved with concentric star shapes and other designs, the Seal of God (Sigillum Dei) was used by the Elizabethan mathematician, magician and astrologer John Dee (1527 1608)

Engraved with concentric star shapes and other designs, the Seal of God (Sigillum Dei) was used by the Elizabethan mathematician, magician and astrologer John Dee (1527 1608)


Engraved with concentric star shapes and other designs, the Seal of God (Sigillum Dei) was used by the Elizabethan mathematician, magician and astrologer John Dee (1527 1608),It supported one of the shew stones the polished translucent or reflective objects he used as tools for his occult research. England. 16th Century.


Photo12/Universal Images Group/Werner Forman

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