A block statue of Senenmut and Neferure who was the only child of Hatshepsut and Tuthmosis 11

A block statue of Senenmut and Neferure who was the only child of Hatshepsut and Tuthmosis 11


A block statue of Senenmut and Neferure who was the only child of Hatshepsut and Tuthmosis 11, Senenmut was her tutor. Senenmut held many high official positions during the reign of Hatshepsut. He was the Queens chief architect and was in charge of the construction of her great temple at Deir el Bahri.Egypt. Ancient Egyptian. 18th dynasty. c 1490 1470BC. Karnak.


Photo12/Universal Images Group/Werner Forman

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33,5Mo (1,6Mo) / 33,6cm x 25,0cm / 3965 x 2955 (300dpi)

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