Paraplegic athlete in wheelchair and friend on track

Paraplegic athlete in wheelchair and friend on track


Paraplegic athlete in wheelchair and friend on track.
Denver, Co, USA


29 oct. 2014


Photo12/Tetra Images/PhotoAbility

Notre référence


Model release


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Format disponible

50,1Mo (2,1Mo) / 28,9cm x 43,4cm / 3418 x 5127 (300dpi)

Mots clés

20-24 years 40-44 years accessibility adversity athlete authentic authenticity background people bonding caucasian challenge color image colorado communication competition confident copy space day denver disability enjoying exercise fitness focus on foreground friend fun happy healthy living independence leisure activity lifestyle listening looking at camera man mature adult mature men medical equipment mobility multi-ethnic group multicultural multiculturalism outdoors paralyzed paraplegic people photography physical fitness portrait real people recreation sci sitting smiling spinal cord injury sports sportswear strength talking three quarter length together track track & field transportation two people united states vertical walking weekend activities wheelchair young adult young men grit millennial2 20-25 20-30 20's 20s 25-30 40-45 40-50 40's 40s 45-50 50-55 50-60 55-60 activity adult america american americas amusement apparel appreciating buddy challenging chatting cheerful chum clothes clothing co color colour communicating companion companionship competing comrade confidence conversation conversing daylight daytime demanding dialog dialogue difficulty disadvantage discussing energy enjoyment entertainment exercising exertion fellow fifties fifty footpath forties forty friendship gaiety garment gentleman glad gleeful guy handicap hardship health hearing hindering human human being jolly leisure leisure time lighthearted listener male merry mid life mid-west middle age middle aged middle-age middle-aged negative space north america outdoor outside pal pastime path pathway person pleasing pleasure portraiture positive power relationship relishing satisfaction seated self-assured self-improvement smile spare time speaking sport stepping striding talker three-quarter length togetherness track and field track event transit transport transporting tribulation twenties twenty two u.s. u.s.a. united states of america us usa vehicle western european white space workout Photography Unknown Unknown

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