Business people working in server room

Business people working in server room


Business people working in server room.
Saint Louis, MO, USA


26 sept. 2012


Photo12/Tetra Images/John Fedele

Notre référence


Model release


Property release



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Format disponible

49,6Mo (1,8Mo) / 43,2cm x 28,8cm / 5100 x 3401 (300dpi)

Mots clés

30-34 years 40-44 years 55-59 years access african-american ethnicity arms raised business caucasian challenge co-worker collaboration color image communication concentration connection cooperation digital tablet explaining gesturing hands on hips holding horizontal indoors internet IT latin american and hispanic ethnicity latin american and hispanic ethnicity listening man mature adult mature men mature women mid adult mid adult men mobility multi-ethnic group multicultural multiculturalism office office life online partner people photography pride problem solving server server room shirt and tie showing side view smiling standing strategy talking teamwork tech support technical support technology thinking three people three quarter length wireless technology woman working working together minority minorities baby boomer smart tech smart technology3 30-35 30-40 30's 30s 35-40 40-45 40-50 40's 40s 45-50 50-55 50-60 55-60 adult arm arms up associate challenging chatting collaborating colleague color colour communicating computer concentrating connecting connexion considering contemplation conversation conversing demanding dialog dialogue discussing displaying e-book e-reader electronic book electronic reader enterprise exhibiting fellow female fifties fifty forties forty gal gentleman guy hearing hispanic human human being indoor inside joining lady latin latin american listener male mid life middle age middle aged middle-age middle-aged motioning partnership person pondering proud raised raising signaling smile speaking support tablet tablet computer talker team tech-support thinker thirties thirty three three-quarter length toiling up western european wireless women work workplace world wide web Photography Hispanic Latin African American Caucasian

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