The Courtesan on PaThe Courtesan Toji of the Ogiya with Her Attendants Satoji and Uraji, from the series Models for Fashion: New Designs as Fresh as Young Leaves (Hinagata wakana no hatsu moyo),rade in the Yoshiwara Accompanied by her Kamuro and by the oiran Satoji and Uraji, 1784, Torii Kiyonaga, Japanese, 1752-1815, Japan, Color woodblock print, oban, 36.6 x 26.1 cm

The Courtesan on PaThe Courtesan Toji of the Ogiya with Her Attendants Satoji and Uraji, from the series Models for Fashion: New Designs as Fresh as Young Leaves (Hinagata wakana no hatsu moyo),rade in the Yoshiwara Accompanied by her Kamuro and by the oiran Satoji and Uraji, 1784, Torii Kiyonaga, Japanese, 1752-1815, Japan, Color woodblock print, oban, 36.6 x 26.1 cm


Chicago, The Art Institute


Photo12/Liszt Collection/Artokoloro

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47,7Mo (3,2Mo) / 29,4cm x 40,6cm / 3474 x 4800 (300dpi)

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