Stoneware jug with sausage ear, brown glazed, marked on the shoulder 3, jug holder kitchen utensils earthenware ceramic

Stoneware jug with sausage ear, brown glazed, marked on the shoulder 3, jug holder kitchen utensils earthenware ceramic


Stoneware jug with sausage ear, brown glazed, marked on the shoulder 3, jug holder kitchen utensils earthenware ceramic stoneware icing salt glaze, hand-turned baked glazed stoneware jug gray shard with brown brindled salt-glaze profile rings below the mouth rim sausage ear with pointed tails traces on the bottom Misbaksel: The jug is during baking or drying cracked On the shoulder: 3 (size of the jug) archeology import pottery transport store store cellar warehouse


Photo12/Liszt Collection

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37,4Mo (1,4Mo) / 25,0cm x 37,5cm / 2949 x 4430 (300dpi)

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