Blue tile of chimney pilaster with 13 tiles, bunch of grapes and stem, chimney pilaster tile pilaster footage fragment ceramics

Blue tile of chimney pilaster with 13 tiles, bunch of grapes and stem, chimney pilaster tile pilaster footage fragment ceramics


Blue tile of chimney pilaster with 13 tiles, bunch of grapes and stem, chimney pilaster tile pilaster footage fragment ceramics pottery glaze, Blue tiles of chimney pilaster with 13 tiles tree of bunches of grapes with birds with bird of prey spider with spiderweb to basket of grain and leaves above the foot of Rotterdam war World War II bombardment Coming from tile crew who passed the houses after the bombing in Rotterdam


Photo12/Liszt Collection

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42,3Mo (2,6Mo) / 32,6cm x 32,6cm / 3845 x 3845 (300dpi)

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