White, faience bowl with blue representation, flowers, bowl crockery holder soil find ceramic earthenware glaze tin glaze, hand

White, faience bowl with blue representation, flowers, bowl crockery holder soil find ceramic earthenware glaze tin glaze, hand


White, faience bowl with blue representation, flowers, bowl crockery holder soil find ceramic earthenware glaze tin glaze, hand-turned decorated glazed baked Round deep bowl on stand ring edge bent outwards. Completely white glazed with blue decoration. White shard On edge: zigzag line with blue squares Inside of the bottom: two concentric rings in which floral pattern archeology Rotterdam railway tunnel native earthenware serve room food drink Soil discovery: railway tunnel Rotterdam


Photo12/Liszt Collection

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44,9Mo (1,2Mo) / 37,5cm x 30,0cm / 4430 x 3543 (300dpi)

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