Stone of gate of vleeshal, Rotterdam, front two knives, bottom decorated, keystone building element facing stone sculpture

Stone of gate of vleeshal, Rotterdam, front two knives, bottom decorated, keystone building element facing stone sculpture


Stone of gate of vleeshal, Rotterdam, front two knives, bottom decorated, keystone building element facing stone sculpture sculpture sandstone stone, sculpted From top to bottom smaller sides straight above and below in slight curve. Front decorated with two crossed knives connected with ribbon with tassels. Bottom decorated with bands in the middle pyramidal decoration meat house meat hall Rotterdam City Triangle Botersloot St. Bartholomeus Originating from the Vleeshal on the Botersloot


Photo12/Liszt Collection

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199,2Mo (6,3Mo) / 59,4cm x 84,0cm / 7016 x 9922 (300dpi)

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