Tile, flower vase, blue decor on blue-gray background, corner filling ox-head, wall tile tile sculpture ceramic earthenware

Tile, flower vase, blue decor on blue-gray background, corner filling ox-head, wall tile tile sculpture ceramic earthenware


Tile, flower vase, blue decor on blue-gray background, corner filling ox-head, wall tile tile sculpture ceramic earthenware enamel tinglage, in form made baked painted baked Wall tile with blue decor on blue-gray background Central representation of flower vase Vase with two thin curled ears. Corner filling oxen head Yellow shard. Slightly sloping sides of indigenous pottery


Photo12/Liszt Collection

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75,2Mo (2,7Mo) / 43,4cm x 43,4cm / 5126 x 5126 (300dpi)

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