Majolica bowl with outstanding lying ear, slightly purple decoration, pop bowl bowl crockery holder soil find ceramics pottery

Majolica bowl with outstanding lying ear, slightly purple decoration, pop bowl bowl crockery holder soil find ceramics pottery


Majolica bowl with outstanding lying ear, slightly purple decoration, pop bowl bowl crockery holder soil find ceramics pottery glaze tin glaze, hand-turned baked decorated glazed fried Majolica bowl yellow shard no stand ring only soul An outstanding solid shell-shaped ear. Ornamental decoration in light manganese purple on white background. Papkom was born in 2006 with second ear archeology indigenous pottery import drink food porridge food serve serve


Photo12/Liszt Collection

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44,9Mo (1,5Mo) / 37,5cm x 30,0cm / 4430 x 3543 (300dpi)

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