Folding fan, legs of cut-out ivory, fan blade of paper with multi-colored paint of gallant scene, legs partly with gold-colored

Folding fan, legs of cut-out ivory, fan blade of paper with multi-colored paint of gallant scene, legs partly with gold-colored


Folding fan, legs of cut-out ivory, fan blade of paper with multi-colored paint of gallant scene, legs partly with gold-colored paint, impeller folding fan clothing accessory women clothing clothing ivory paper paint, rash 140 ° fan blade 18.0 hand part, support part, support part w 0.5 - 0.2 textile painted incision cut out Folding fan with frame of continuous embossed and carved legs of ivory with painting. Nineteen inner legs. Fan leaf of paper with painting glued attachment l 'anglaise bracket cool woman


Photo12/Liszt Collection

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