K.W. Hoeckner, Medal on the treaty of Pillnitz, penning images lead, busts German emperor king of Prussia and elector of Saxony

K.W. Hoeckner, Medal on the treaty of Pillnitz, penning images lead, busts German emperor king of Prussia and elector of Saxony


K.W. Hoeckner, Medal on the treaty of Pillnitz, penning images lead, busts German emperor king of Prussia and elector of Saxony to the right omschrift: LEOP. II. IMP. FRID. WILH. REX PR. FRID. AUG. EL. SAX. (Leopold II emperor [of the Holy Roman Empire], Frederick William II king of Prussia, Frederick August II Elector of Saxony) signed under busts Germany Austria Prussia Saxon conference


Photo12/Liszt Collection

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42,3Mo (2,5Mo) / 32,6cm x 32,6cm / 3845 x 3845 (300dpi)

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