Two-piece bronze mold for spoon, mold casting tool tools kit base metal bronze, cast Two-piece bronze mold for pouring spoon

Two-piece bronze mold for spoon, mold casting tool tools kit base metal bronze, cast Two-piece bronze mold for pouring spoon


Two-piece bronze mold for spoon, mold casting tool tools kit base metal bronze, cast Two-piece bronze mold for pouring spoon with an oval bowl that turns into shank with needle or rat tail the biche 'as the end Rotterdam tingieterij tinnegieter tin Meeuws Druy craft Forms come from the originally 18th century Rotterdam tinnegieter J Druy. The large molds that were not signed or dated were the property of the tinker guild and were rented to the small tin caster


Photo12/Liszt Collection

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20,3Mo (788,6Ko) / 26,0cm x 19,5cm / 3072 x 2304 (300dpi)

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