Silver seal stamp with the family crest of Jordens, seal stamp stamp kit silver, Oval silver stamp with the coat of arms

Silver seal stamp with the family crest of Jordens, seal stamp stamp kit silver, Oval silver stamp with the coat of arms


Silver seal stamp with the family crest of Jordens, seal stamp stamp kit silver, Oval silver stamp with the coat of arms of Jordens with short open handle: baluster surrounded by volutes with leaf motif. Shield: lying deer on grassy ground; the helmet with tarpaulins; helmet sign: deer antler The back decorated with crunches Adriaen van der Werff Jordens heraldry


Photo12/Liszt Collection

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64,6Mo (2,2Mo) / 32,9cm x 49,2cm / 3888 x 5808 (300dpi)

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