THE WAR IN SOUTH AMERICA, RECRUITING FOR THE PERUVIAN ARMY IN THE CORDILLERA, 1881: 1. The Raw Material and the Finished Article : Cavalry. 2. Returning to Lima: Crossing an Indian Bridge. 3. Crossing the Verrugas Viaduct, 24o feet high. 4. The Raw Material and the Finished Article: Infantry. 5. Waiting for the Train at Tambo de Viso, 10,000 feet above the Sea. 6. Bringing in Recruits at Viso.

THE WAR IN SOUTH AMERICA, RECRUITING FOR THE PERUVIAN ARMY IN THE CORDILLERA, 1881: 1. The Raw Material and the Finished Article : Cavalry. 2. Returning to Lima: Crossing an Indian Bridge. 3. Crossing the Verrugas Viaduct, 24o feet high. 4. The Raw Material and the Finished Article: Infantry. 5. Waiting for the Train at Tambo de Viso, 10,000 feet above the Sea. 6. Bringing in Recruits at Viso.




Photo12/Liszt Collection/Quint Lox Limited

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