THE FIRST TURKISH REGIMENT TO ENTER DOMOKO: BIVOUACKING AT THE HEAD OF THE PHOURKA PASS, 1897: The first Turkish regiment to enter Domoko when the town was taken was under the command of Colonel Chamil Bey. It followed the retreating Greeks, and after an engagement with them at the foot of the Phourka Pass, bivouacked at the head of the pass.

THE FIRST TURKISH REGIMENT TO ENTER DOMOKO: BIVOUACKING AT THE HEAD OF THE PHOURKA PASS, 1897: The first Turkish regiment to enter Domoko when the town was taken was under the command of Colonel Chamil Bey. It followed the retreating Greeks, and after an engagement with them at the foot of the Phourka Pass, bivouacked at the head of the pass.




Photo12/Liszt Collection/Quint Lox Limited

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