FROM THE PACIFIC TO THE ATLANTIC ALONG THE ROUTE OF THE PANAMA CANAL, 1883: 1. City of Panama, the Pacific End of the Canal (The Cross Shows the Mouth of the Canal). 2. Last Glimpse of Panama. 3. Canal Works, Panama Railway, at Culebra. 4. Valley of Buenevista and Canal Works. 5. Cutting at Gatoon and Chagres River. 6. Steam Navvy at Work. 7. Dredge Working near the Mouth of the Canal, Colon. 8. The Effect of Malaria. 9. Canal Works and Steam Dredger, Chagres River. 10. Colon, the Atlantic Mouth of the Canal (The Cross Shows the Mouth of the Canal)

FROM THE PACIFIC TO THE ATLANTIC ALONG THE ROUTE OF THE PANAMA CANAL, 1883: 1. City of Panama, the Pacific End of the Canal (The Cross Shows the Mouth of the Canal). 2. Last Glimpse of Panama. 3. Canal Works, Panama Railway, at Culebra. 4. Valley of Buenevista and Canal Works. 5. Cutting at Gatoon and Chagres River. 6. Steam Navvy at Work. 7. Dredge Working near the Mouth of the Canal, Colon. 8. The Effect of Malaria. 9. Canal Works and Steam Dredger, Chagres River. 10. Colon, the Atlantic Mouth of the Canal (The Cross Shows the Mouth of the Canal)




Photo12/Liszt Collection/Quint Lox Limited

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