THE ERUPTION OF MOUNT ETNA, SICILY, 1883: 1. View of the Upper Regions of Etna, from the Scene of the Recent Outbreak. 2. Portrait of S. Antonio Abbate from the Woodcut Attached to a Bamboo Cross Placed Below the Line of Scori. 3. A Cottage in Nicolosi, Shaken Down by the Earthquake of March 24. 4. The Bamboo Cross to Which the Portrait of S. Antonio Abbate Was Attached. 5. The Third or Lowest of the Three New Craters Seen from the Front. 6. The Second and Third of the Three New Craters Seen from the South Side.

THE ERUPTION OF MOUNT ETNA, SICILY, 1883: 1. View of the Upper Regions of Etna, from the Scene of the Recent Outbreak. 2. Portrait of S. Antonio Abbate from the Woodcut Attached to a Bamboo Cross Placed Below the Line of Scori. 3. A Cottage in Nicolosi, Shaken Down by the Earthquake of March 24. 4. The Bamboo Cross to Which the Portrait of S. Antonio Abbate Was Attached. 5. The Third or Lowest of the Three New Craters Seen from the Front. 6. The Second and Third of the Three New Craters Seen from the South Side.




Photo12/Liszt Collection/Quint Lox Limited

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