THE SYSTEM OF CONSCRIPTION IN FRANCE, 1876: 1. Specimens of the Conscripts. 2. Drawing Lots. 3. Marching through the Streets. 4. Coming Home with a Lucky Number. 5. Stripping to Pass the Doctor. 6. Off to Join the Regiment. 7. Arrival at the Clothing Store. 8. Leaving the Clothing Store. 9. A Conscript in Mufti. 10. A Conscript in Uniform.

THE SYSTEM OF CONSCRIPTION IN FRANCE, 1876: 1. Specimens of the Conscripts. 2. Drawing Lots. 3. Marching through the Streets. 4. Coming Home with a Lucky Number. 5. Stripping to Pass the Doctor. 6. Off to Join the Regiment. 7. Arrival at the Clothing Store. 8. Leaving the Clothing Store. 9. A Conscript in Mufti. 10. A Conscript in Uniform.




Photo12/Liszt Collection/Quint Lox Limited

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