THE CIVIL WAR IN SPAIN: BATTLE OF GALDAMES, APRIL 30, 1874, VIEW FROM THE HEIGHTS OF MONTELLANO: 1. Galdames Mountains. 2. Limestone cliff. 3. Carlist Intrenchment. 4. Railroad to the Iron-Mines. 5. Mountains of Sopuerta. 6. Galdames Inn. 7. Wood full of Carlists. 8. San Felice Bridge. 9. Village of Mercadillo. 10. Road to Valmaseda. 11. Houses of Mercadillo. A, A, A. Carlist Intrenchments. B. Carlists Retreating. C. Left wing of Concha's Army. D. Saragosa Regiment, making a feigned attack on the Carlists. E. Battery. F. Concha's Troops

THE CIVIL WAR IN SPAIN: BATTLE OF GALDAMES, APRIL 30, 1874, VIEW FROM THE HEIGHTS OF MONTELLANO: 1. Galdames Mountains. 2. Limestone cliff. 3. Carlist Intrenchment. 4. Railroad to the Iron-Mines. 5. Mountains of Sopuerta. 6. Galdames Inn. 7. Wood full of Carlists. 8. San Felice Bridge. 9. Village of Mercadillo. 10. Road to Valmaseda. 11. Houses of Mercadillo. A, A, A. Carlist Intrenchments. B. Carlists Retreating. C. Left wing of Concha's Army. D. Saragosa Regiment, making a feigned attack on the Carlists. E. Battery. F. Concha's Troops




Photo12/Liszt Collection/Quint Lox Limited

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