THE NUNNERY OF OTTILIENBERG, ALSACE. Mont Sainte-Odil, Odilienberg or Ottilienberg; called Allitona in the 8th century,  is a 760 m peak of the Vosges Mountains in Alsace in France, immediately west of Barr. The mountain is named for Saint Odile. It has a monastery/convent at its top called the Hohenburg Abbey, and is notable also for its stone fortifications called The Pagan Wall.

THE NUNNERY OF OTTILIENBERG, ALSACE. Mont Sainte-Odil, Odilienberg or Ottilienberg; called Allitona in the 8th century, is a 760 m peak of the Vosges Mountains in Alsace in France, immediately west of Barr. The mountain is named for Saint Odile. It has a monastery/convent at its top called the Hohenburg Abbey, and is notable also for its stone fortifications called The Pagan Wall.


Photo12/Liszt Collection/Quint Lox Limited

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