RUDE STONE MONUMENTS IN MOAB: 1. and 2. Cromlechs, west of Hesbân. 3. El Kalûa, in Wadi Hesbân. 4. Cromlech, west of Hesbân. 5. Makâm, near Hadanieh in the Wadi Tideid. 6. Makâm at Ain Hesbân. 7. Cromlech, west of Hesbân. 8. Cromlech near Hesbân. PREHISTORIC PALESTINE. 1883

RUDE STONE MONUMENTS IN MOAB: 1. and 2. Cromlechs, west of Hesbân. 3. El Kalûa, in Wadi Hesbân. 4. Cromlech, west of Hesbân. 5. Makâm, near Hadanieh in the Wadi Tideid. 6. Makâm at Ain Hesbân. 7. Cromlech, west of Hesbân. 8. Cromlech near Hesbân. PREHISTORIC PALESTINE. 1883




Photo12/Liszt Collection/Quint Lox Limited

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