IN THE GREAT NORTH-WEST WITH THE MARQUIS OF LORNE, CROSSING THE BOUNDARY LINE: 1. Rolling Prairie: An Attempt by Dr. Macgregor to Describe the Infinite; 2. A Visit to the Blackfeet Lodges, Fort McLeod; 3. "Chief" Mountain, on the Boundary Line Between British and American Territory; 4. Our American Mule Team Ambulance and Lieutenant Rowe, U.S. 3rd Infantry Regiment, in Charge of the Escort; 5. Across the Line: Colonel J. Ford Kent, U.S. 3rd Infantry Regiment, C.O. Fort Shaw, Receives Lord Lorne in a Sibley Tent at the Indian Reserve; 6. A Republic of Prairie Dogs

IN THE GREAT NORTH-WEST WITH THE MARQUIS OF LORNE, CROSSING THE BOUNDARY LINE: 1. Rolling Prairie: An Attempt by Dr. Macgregor to Describe the Infinite; 2. A Visit to the Blackfeet Lodges, Fort McLeod; 3. "Chief" Mountain, on the Boundary Line Between British and American Territory; 4. Our American Mule Team Ambulance and Lieutenant Rowe, U.S. 3rd Infantry Regiment, in Charge of the Escort; 5. Across the Line: Colonel J. Ford Kent, U.S. 3rd Infantry Regiment, C.O. Fort Shaw, Receives Lord Lorne in a Sibley Tent at the Indian Reserve; 6. A Republic of Prairie Dogs


Photo12/Liszt Collection/Quint Lox Limited

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