PALERMO: 1. A Gendarme; 2. "Excellenza, this Village is Suspish." "Confound it, how do they know I'm English?"; 3, 5, 7, 8. Types of the Natives; 4. A Holiday Costume; 6. A Mountain Road; 9. Cloisters and Sacred Fountain, Monreale, near Palermo; 10. Giovanni to Guiseppe: "Strange fish, these English." John to Joe: "Rum beggars, these I-talions."

PALERMO: 1. A Gendarme; 2. "Excellenza, this Village is Suspish." "Confound it, how do they know I'm English?"; 3, 5, 7, 8. Types of the Natives; 4. A Holiday Costume; 6. A Mountain Road; 9. Cloisters and Sacred Fountain, Monreale, near Palermo; 10. Giovanni to Guiseppe: "Strange fish, these English." John to Joe: "Rum beggars, these I-talions."




Photo12/Liszt Collection/Quint Lox Limited

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