THE LIFE OF GIUSEPPE GARIBALDI: 10. Meeting of Garibaldi and Victor Emmanuel on the Road to Capua after the Battle on the Volturno, Oct. 26, 1860; 11. Garibaldi's Return to Caprera, November, 1860; 12. Interview Between Cavour and Garibaldi at the Desire of Victor Emmanuel, April, 1861; 13. A Stray Lamb at Caprera: An Incident of Garibaldi's Tenderness; 14. A Deputation of School children to Garibaldi; 15. Garibaldi Wounded at the Battle of Aspromonte, August 29, 1862; 16. After Aspromonte: Garibaldi Wounded and in Prison at the Fortress of Varignano in the Harbour of Spezzia; 17. Reception of Garibaldi in London, 1864; 18. Garibaldi at Dijon in 1870: Receiving a Captured Prussian Flag

THE LIFE OF GIUSEPPE GARIBALDI: 10. Meeting of Garibaldi and Victor Emmanuel on the Road to Capua after the Battle on the Volturno, Oct. 26, 1860; 11. Garibaldi's Return to Caprera, November, 1860; 12. Interview Between Cavour and Garibaldi at the Desire of Victor Emmanuel, April, 1861; 13. A Stray Lamb at Caprera: An Incident of Garibaldi's Tenderness; 14. A Deputation of School children to Garibaldi; 15. Garibaldi Wounded at the Battle of Aspromonte, August 29, 1862; 16. After Aspromonte: Garibaldi Wounded and in Prison at the Fortress of Varignano in the Harbour of Spezzia; 17. Reception of Garibaldi in London, 1864; 18. Garibaldi at Dijon in 1870: Receiving a Captured Prussian Flag




Photo12/Liszt Collection/Quint Lox Limited

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