THE CRISIS IN EGYPT: THE TURKISH "CAVASS" ON A SEA VOYAGE: 1. He Begins with Misgivings; 2. "Again! Allah! They are Mad!"; 3. The Cigarette Fails to Console: Becomes even an Object of Horror; 4. In such a Struggle Human Valour Availeth Not; 5. "Kismeth."; 6. He is borne to a Hammock; but, the Putting In!; 7. Calm Weather: Puts on a No. 1 Jacket, and, Showing an Appreciation of Rum, Becomes Rather Popular; 8. Once Again on Land, His Moustaches are More Fiercely Curled, and He Swaggers More Than Ever; 9. In His Element, "Good bye, Johnny."

THE CRISIS IN EGYPT: THE TURKISH "CAVASS" ON A SEA VOYAGE: 1. He Begins with Misgivings; 2. "Again! Allah! They are Mad!"; 3. The Cigarette Fails to Console: Becomes even an Object of Horror; 4. In such a Struggle Human Valour Availeth Not; 5. "Kismeth."; 6. He is borne to a Hammock; but, the Putting In!; 7. Calm Weather: Puts on a No. 1 Jacket, and, Showing an Appreciation of Rum, Becomes Rather Popular; 8. Once Again on Land, His Moustaches are More Fiercely Curled, and He Swaggers More Than Ever; 9. In His Element, "Good bye, Johnny."




Photo12/Liszt Collection/Quint Lox Limited

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