SCENES ON BOARD H.M.S. ANSON AFTER THE CATASTROPHE: 1. Landing the Dead the Morning after the Disaster. 2. Clothing the Naked  One of Rescued Boys in the Discarded Raiment of a Petty Officer. 3. Rescued only to Die An Old Man, a Married Woman, and a Child, who Died on Board the Anson

SCENES ON BOARD H.M.S. ANSON AFTER THE CATASTROPHE: 1. Landing the Dead the Morning after the Disaster. 2. Clothing the Naked One of Rescued Boys in the Discarded Raiment of a Petty Officer. 3. Rescued only to Die An Old Man, a Married Woman, and a Child, who Died on Board the Anson




Photo12/Liszt Collection/Quint Lox Limited

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