BOMBAY BROKERS AND TRADERS: A "Brokers' room" of an English merchant in Bombay. On the staff of each European firm is a broker, or clerk, acting in the same capacity, whose special business it is to show the goods to the Hindoo buyers, take their bids (which are submitted in a book to the salesman), make bargains, settle disputes, etc. The native way of making and receiving offers is very peculiar, the offer is never made in words, but always by squeezes of the fingers and strokes of the finger across the palm, the hands being covered with a towel or scarf, that bystanders may not know the offer made, as is shown by the two figures in the foreground. 1870

BOMBAY BROKERS AND TRADERS: A "Brokers' room" of an English merchant in Bombay. On the staff of each European firm is a broker, or clerk, acting in the same capacity, whose special business it is to show the goods to the Hindoo buyers, take their bids (which are submitted in a book to the salesman), make bargains, settle disputes, etc. The native way of making and receiving offers is very peculiar, the offer is never made in words, but always by squeezes of the fingers and strokes of the finger across the palm, the hands being covered with a towel or scarf, that bystanders may not know the offer made, as is shown by the two figures in the foreground. 1870




Photo12/Liszt Collection/Quint Lox Limited

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