THE FRENCH IN TONKIN (VIETNAM): 1. Magazine in the Citadel of Hanoi. 2. Palace of the Governor at Saigon. 3. Mission Houses at Bo-Liéou. 4. A Street in Hanoi. 5. A Ferry near Hue. 6. Street in the Business Quarter at Hue. 7. Costumes at the Theatre at Hue: Warriors. 8. Tonkinese Workmen Inlaying Mother-of-Pearl. 9 and 12. Marine Fusiliers Under Admiral Courbet Storming the Approach to the Chinese Quarter at Sontay. 10. Natives of Tonkin. 11. Annamite Soldiers at Hué. 13. A File of Cochin-Chinese Auxiliaries Shooting an Annamite Mandarin. 14. A Bar of Silver Found in Sontay Citadel. 15. Dead Chinese Soldiers in a Moat at Sontay.

THE FRENCH IN TONKIN (VIETNAM): 1. Magazine in the Citadel of Hanoi. 2. Palace of the Governor at Saigon. 3. Mission Houses at Bo-Liéou. 4. A Street in Hanoi. 5. A Ferry near Hue. 6. Street in the Business Quarter at Hue. 7. Costumes at the Theatre at Hue: Warriors. 8. Tonkinese Workmen Inlaying Mother-of-Pearl. 9 and 12. Marine Fusiliers Under Admiral Courbet Storming the Approach to the Chinese Quarter at Sontay. 10. Natives of Tonkin. 11. Annamite Soldiers at Hué. 13. A File of Cochin-Chinese Auxiliaries Shooting an Annamite Mandarin. 14. A Bar of Silver Found in Sontay Citadel. 15. Dead Chinese Soldiers in a Moat at Sontay.


Photo12/Liszt Collection/Quint Lox Limited

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