THE RECENT INSTALLATION OF THE NIZAM OF HYDERABAD, INDIA: 1. H.H. Meer Mahoob Ali Khan Bahadur, the New Nizam of Hyderabad. 2. The "Mecca Musjid" Mosque, the Finest in Hyderabad, where the Remains of the Former Nizams are Interred. 3. "Afzul Gung" Mosque on the Road Leading to the City by the Delhi Gate. 4. The "Char Minar," Built at the Meeting of Four Roads. 5. Mahomed Shah's Tomb at Golconda, Six Miles West from the City.

THE RECENT INSTALLATION OF THE NIZAM OF HYDERABAD, INDIA: 1. H.H. Meer Mahoob Ali Khan Bahadur, the New Nizam of Hyderabad. 2. The "Mecca Musjid" Mosque, the Finest in Hyderabad, where the Remains of the Former Nizams are Interred. 3. "Afzul Gung" Mosque on the Road Leading to the City by the Delhi Gate. 4. The "Char Minar," Built at the Meeting of Four Roads. 5. Mahomed Shah's Tomb at Golconda, Six Miles West from the City.


Photo12/Liszt Collection/Quint Lox Limited

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