SOME OF THE COMIC ELEMENTS IN THE GROUNDING OF A TROOPSHIP: 1. The Bump. 2. "Bweakers? Anything to Bweak this Confounded Monotony." 3. "You are Unmarried, Mr. B., ; Promise Me That You Will Never Let Tommy, Cissie, Prissie, Peg, Meg, &c., &c., be Drowned or Forsaken! The Colonel Must Save Me." 4. Hearing Mr. Chips, the Carpenter, Reporting No Leak in any Compartment, I Casually Observe to Blunt: "A Man Can Die but Once, Don't You Know." 5. The Carpenter Reports. 6. As the Ship Had Grounded Upon the Only Forty Yards of Soft Stuff in Forty Miles of Rock, the Spirits of the Passengers Revive, and Good Fellowship Prevails.

SOME OF THE COMIC ELEMENTS IN THE GROUNDING OF A TROOPSHIP: 1. The Bump. 2. "Bweakers? Anything to Bweak this Confounded Monotony." 3. "You are Unmarried, Mr. B., ; Promise Me That You Will Never Let Tommy, Cissie, Prissie, Peg, Meg, &c., &c., be Drowned or Forsaken! The Colonel Must Save Me." 4. Hearing Mr. Chips, the Carpenter, Reporting No Leak in any Compartment, I Casually Observe to Blunt: "A Man Can Die but Once, Don't You Know." 5. The Carpenter Reports. 6. As the Ship Had Grounded Upon the Only Forty Yards of Soft Stuff in Forty Miles of Rock, the Spirits of the Passengers Revive, and Good Fellowship Prevails.


Photo12/Liszt Collection/Quint Lox Limited

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