Sep. 09, 1971 - Athletes Practise for tonight's meeting at crystal palace: Athletes were practicing at Crystal Palace today at for tonight's Coca Cola sponsored International Athletes' Club meeting. Picture Shows: Colette Besson, the french 400 meters Olympic Champion, seen training for tonight's meeting, when she runs in the 800 meters.
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Sep. 09, 1971 - Athletes Practise for tonight's meeting at crystal palace: Athletes were practicing at Crystal Palace today at for tonight's Coca Cola sponsored International Athletes' Club meeting. Picture Shows: Colette Besson, the french 400 meters Olympic Champion, seen training for tonight's meeting, when she runs in the 800 meters.


Sep. 09, 1971 - Athletes Practise for tonight's meeting at crystal palace: Athletes were practicing at Crystal Palace today at for tonight's Coca Cola sponsored International Athletes' Club meeting. Picture Shows: Colette Besson, the french 400 meters Olympic Champion, seen training for tonight's meeting, when she runs in the 800 meters. (Credit Image: Keystone Pictures USA/ZUMAPRESS)


Photographe : KEYSTONE Pictures USA


09 sept. 1971


Photo12/Alamy/Keystone Press

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uniquement en France

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