Crystal Palace National Sports Centre, Crystal Palace Park, Bromley, London, 2013. Creator: Simon Inglis.

Crystal Palace National Sports Centre, Crystal Palace Park, Bromley, London, 2013. Creator: Simon Inglis.


Crystal Palace National Sports Centre, Crystal Palace Park, Bromley, Greater London Authority, 2013. The swimming pool in the Crystal Palace National Sports Centre, with a lesson taking place in the learner pool in the foreground. The National Recreation Centre was opened in 1964. It was built on the site of an exhibitions centre of the Crystal Palace Trust. When the designs were drawn up in 1953-1954, it was the first indoor multi-functional hall in Britain, incorporating both wet and dry sports in one building. The swimming pool side of the building houses a 50m pool, diving pool and learner pool. The building is Grade II* Listed.


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Photo12/Heritage Images/Historic England

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