The Battle of Inkerman - Repulse of the Russians, 1854. Creator: Unknown.

The Battle of Inkerman - Repulse of the Russians, 1854. Creator: Unknown.


The Battle of Inkerman - Repulse of the Russians, 1854. '...Sketch taken by an eye-witness [giving] a faithful representation of...the memorable 5th of November...The enemy were now completely out of the bush which had screened and sheltered them on their advance...Our regiments halted, extended their line to the left, and commenced a tremendous file fire. The enemy, in disorder, hardly returned a shot, but stood their ground, and fell by hundreds and hundreds...our fellows charged and massacred them at the point of the bayonet...though under the French fire they were literally falling by battalions, they never showed the least sign of trepidation or disorder...The French and English, with a whole mass of artillery followed close upon the retreating battalions, pouring in volley after volley of grapeshot, shell, and musketry. In fact it was a perfect carnage'. From "Illustrated London News", 1854.


Photo12/Heritage Images/The Print Collector

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