Interior of the Church of St. Stephen, Rochester-Row, Westminster, 1850. Creator: Unknown.

Interior of the Church of St. Stephen, Rochester-Row, Westminster, 1850. Creator: Unknown.


Interior of the Church of St. Stephen, Rochester-Row, Westminster, [London], 1850. 'The first stone of the Church was laid July 20, 1847...[it] has been built and endowed at the sole cost and charge of Miss Burdett Coutts...The chancel has a polygonal ceiling, divided into panels; the ribs are enriched by beautifully carved and emblazoned bosses, bearing various Christian emblems, and the panels are coloured ultra-marine and powdered with stars in gold...The beautiful decorations of the chancel ceiling, reredos, and the texts...are the work of Mr Hudson and Mr. West...The chancel is paved with Minton's encaustic tiles...Mr. Ferrey, of Charing-cross, is the architect, to whom the merit of having designed this beautiful Church belongs; and Messrs. Rigby, of Holy well-street, are the contractors'. From "Illustrated London News", 1850.


Photo12/Heritage Images/The Print Collector

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