Presentation of a Memorial to Dr. Tait, at Rugby School, 1850. Creator: Unknown.

Presentation of a Memorial to Dr. Tait, at Rugby School, 1850. Creator: Unknown.


Presentation of a Memorial to Dr. Tait, at Rugby School, 1850. 'The appointment of the Rev. Dr. Tait to the Deanery of Carlisle, has led to his retirement from the Head-Mastership of Rugby School...the Dean of Carlisle and Mrs. Tait took their seats on two chairs in front of the master of the week's desk; the masters, the sixth form, a deputation from the town, and a large body of old Rugbseans, were assembled on either side...On a table, immediately in front of the desk, lay a piece of plate, a clock, a pair of candlesticks, and Richmond's portrait of Dr. Tait. The plate consisted of a group in frosted silver, representing Faith supported by Philosophy and History...designed and modelled by Mr. Alfred Brown, under the inspection of Mr. E. H. Bailey, and executed in silver by Messrs. Hunt and Roskell...The candlesticks and clock were a present from the boys of the School-house to Mrs. Tait...'. From "Illustrated London News", 1850.


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