"Pope Leo XII visiting Thorvaldsen's great study on the ST. Luc's day, October 18, 1826", by Hans Ditlev Christian Martens

"Pope Leo XII visiting Thorvaldsen's great study on the ST. Luc's day, October 18, 1826", by Hans Ditlev Christian Martens


"Papa Leone XII visita il grande atelier di Thorvaldsen nel giorno di San Luca, il 18 ottobre 1826", 1830, di Hans Ditlev Christian Martens (1795 - 1864), olio su tela.

[ENG] "Pope Leo XII visiting Thorvaldsen's great study on the ST. Luc's day, October 18, 1826", 1830, by Hans Ditlev Christian Martens (1795 - 1864), oil on canvas.
Thorvaldsens Museum, Copenaghen, Danimarca - Denmark


30 avr. 2013


Ghigo Roli/Photo12

Notre référence



Droits gérés

Format disponible

96,4Mo (6,2Mo) / 57,9cm x 41,7cm / 6837 x 4928 (300dpi)


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