"Nude of a Youth Infant Jesus blessing with his hand raised", by Francesco di Simone Ferrucci

"Nude of a Youth Infant Jesus blessing with his hand raised", by Francesco di Simone Ferrucci


"Nudo di giovannetto. Gesù Bambino benedicente", 1480-8, di Francesco di Simone Ferrucci e bottega(1437-1493), penna e inchiostro bruno, acquarello e punta di piombo.
La figura del giovanetto ha chiari riferimento al David di Verrocchio e di Donatello.

[ENG] "Nude of a Youth. Infant Jesus blessing with his hand raised", 1480-8, by Francesco di Simone Ferrucci and workshop (1437-1493), pen and brown ink, watercolour and lead point. The figure of the Youth refers to David by Verrocchio and Donatello.
Musée du Louvre, Parigi/Paris, Francia/France


15 juin 2019


Ghigo Roli/Photo12

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93,9Mo (3,1Mo) / 41,5cm x 56,7cm / 4901 x 6697 (300dpi)


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