Autumn landscape with Rudelsburg castle ruins

Autumn landscape with Rudelsburg castle ruins


Autumn landscape with Rudelsburg castle ruins, harvested field, stormy sky, Bad Koesen, Burgenlandkreis, Saxony-Anhalt, Germany, Europe


21 oct. 2021


Photo12/imageBROKER/Andreas Vitting

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137,4Mo (9,6Mo) / 68,4cm x 50,3cm / 8076 x 5946 (300dpi)

Mots clés

Autumn atmosphere Bad Koesen Burgenlandkreis Castelo Central Europe Europe Famous Place German Federal Republic Germany Kumulonimbus Middle Europe Nimbostratus Nimbostratus cloud No People Pastureland Pastures Republic of Germany Rudelsburg Storm cloud Storm clouds Thunderstorm atmosphere acreage acreages agrarian agricultural agriculturally agriculture atmospheric autumn autumn atmosphere autumn color autumn colors autumn colour autumn colouring autumn landscape autumn landscapes autumn mood autumn moods autumn-coloured autumnal autumnal atmosphere autumnal mood bad weather building buildings castle castles cloud cloud atmosphere cloud atmospheres cloud-covered clouds cloudy cloudy atmosphere cloudy mood cloudy sky colored colors of fall colour coloured colouring colourings countryside creepy cropland cultivate cultivated area cultivation cultivations dark decayed defence work defence works defensive fortification defensive work derelict deserted deteriorated dilapidated discoloration discolorations discolored discolouration discoloured dramatic draped in clouds dreary dyed eerie empty fall farming farmland farmlands field fog foggy foggy atmosphere fortification fortifications fortress fortresses frightening gloomy harvested hazy historic historical landscape landscape shot landscapes mist misty misty atmosphere misty mood misty moods no one nobody old overcast overcast sky place of interest rain cloud rain clouds ruin ruins run-down rundown scary scenery sight sights sky with cloud spooky stormy atmosphere stormy atmospheres stormy skies stormy sky structure threat threats thundercloud thunderhead thunderstorm thunderstorm mood thunderstorm sky thunderstorms tourist attraction tourist attractions travel photography uninhabited with clouds Saxony-Anhalt atmosphere castle ruin castle ruins harvest harvesting harvests mood weather East Germany Eastern Germany

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