The great winged bull from Nineveh, excavated by Austen Henry Layard, being loaded aboard the 'Apprentice' on the Euphrates for shipment to the British Museum

The great winged bull from Nineveh, excavated by Austen Henry Layard, being loaded aboard the 'Apprentice' on the Euphrates for shipment to the British Museum


Engraving depicting the great winged bull from Nineveh, excavated by Austen Henry Layard, being loaded aboard the 'Apprentice' on the Euphrates for shipment to the British Museum. Austen Henry Layard (1817-1894) an English traveller, archaeologist, cuneiformist, art historian, draughtsman, collector, politician and diplomat. Dated 19th Century


19e siècle


Photo12/Ann Ronan Picture Library

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