Evolution of the horse: Diagram of 7 stages in development of hind and forelimbs from 1,1A Eohippus; 2,2A Orohippus; 3,3A Mesohippus,; 4,4A Hypohippus; 5,5A Merychippus; 6,6A Hipparion; 7,7A modern horse

Evolution of the horse: Diagram of 7 stages in development of hind and forelimbs from 1,1A Eohippus; 2,2A Orohippus; 3,3A Mesohippus,; 4,4A Hypohippus; 5,5A Merychippus; 6,6A Hipparion; 7,7A modern horse


Evolution of the horse: Diagram of 7 stages in development of hind and forelimbs from 1,1A Eohippus; 2,2A Orohippus; 3,3A Mesohippus,; 4,4A Hypohippus; 5,5A Merychippus; 6,6A Hipparion; 7,7A modern horse. Toes shorten and disappear. After Marsh and Lull. Engraving c1920


20e siècle


Photo12/Ann Ronan Picture Library

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