
10 results for: dog looking

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Animal tile, multicolored with hunting dog in square and on the backside kiln bookkeeping, corner motif palmet, wall tile

Animal tile, multicolored with hunting dog in squa...

Kortewagen, horse and dog, carved wooden ornament of farm wagon, rear crate ornament part wood carving sculpture sculpture wood

Kortewagen, horse and dog, carved wooden ornament ...

Animal tile, sitting monkey and dog looking at each other, in blue on white, corner pattern ox head, wall tile tile sculpture

Animal tile, sitting monkey and dog looking at eac...

Animal tile, sitting monkey and dog looking at each other, in blue on white, corner pattern ox head, wall tile tile sculpture

Animal tile, sitting monkey and dog looking at eac...

Animal tile, looking back standing dog on the right on ground between balusters, in blue on white, corner pattern french lily

Animal tile, looking back standing dog on the righ...

Hunter drinks from fountain, Jan Baptist de Wael, unknown, 1642 - 1669

Hunter drinks from fountain, Jan Baptist de Wael, ...

Horse in a crib, Christiaan Wilhelmus Moorrees, 1811 - 1867

Horse in a crib, Christiaan Wilhelmus Moorrees, 18...

rain, Caspar Luyken, Jan Luyken, Christoph Weigel, c. 1700

rain, Caspar Luyken, Jan Luyken, Christoph Weigel,...

Shepherd and shepherdess, Diederik Jan Singendonck, 1815

Shepherd and shepherdess, Diederik Jan Singendonck...

Whitehall, Looking Northeast London Signed, lower right: "W. Marlow", William Marlow, 1740-1813,

Whitehall, Looking Northeast London Signed, lower ...