
1603 results for: 1900s

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Parlor at 427 1st ,08; Julius M. Wendt, American, active 1900s - 1910s, 1908; Gelatin silver print

Parlor at 427 1st ,08; Julius M. Wendt, American, ...

Dugan; Julius M. Wendt, American, active 1900s - 1910s, 1900s; Gelatin silver print

Dugan; Julius M. Wendt, American, active 1900s - 1...

M. Ryan, Police, 2d Precinct 64 Park Ave., Albany, N.Y; Julius M. Wendt, American, active 1900s - 1910s, 1900s; Gelatin silver

M. Ryan, Police, 2d Precinct 64 Park Ave., Albany,...

M.E. Wendt, Jan 25 1903; Julius M. Wendt, American, active 1900s - 1910s, January 25, 1903; Gelatin silver print

M.E. Wendt, Jan 25 1903; Julius M. Wendt, American...

Looking down State St., Albany, N.Y; Julius M. Wendt, American, active 1900s - 1910s, 1900s; Gelatin silver print

Looking down State St., Albany, N.Y; Julius M. Wen...

View of Niagara Falls in Winter; Herman F. Nielson, American, active 1883 - early 1900s, Niagara Falls, New York, United States

View of Niagara Falls in Winter; Herman F. Nielson...

Edinburgh, John Knox's House, High St; John Lennie, Scottish, active Edinburgh, Scotland 1860s - 1900s, 1855 - 1865

Edinburgh, John Knox's House, High St; John Lennie...

Judge Rudd. May 18, 1903; Julius M. Wendt, American, active 1900s - 1910s, May 18, 1903; Gelatin silver print

Judge Rudd. May 18, 1903; Julius M. Wendt, America...

Policeman on Albany, N.Y. street reading newspapers on rack; Julius M. Wendt, American, active 1900s - 1910s, 1900s; Gelatin

Policeman on Albany, N.Y. street reading newspaper...

Walsh; Julius M. Wendt, American, active 1900s - 1910s, 1900s; Gelatin silver print

Walsh; Julius M. Wendt, American, active 1900s - 1...

Little boy in straw hat carrying lunchbox, walking on street, Albany, N.Y; Julius M. Wendt, American, active 1900s - 1910s

Little boy in straw hat carrying lunchbox, walking...

J.M. Wendt and J. Kirchner at Valcour N.Y. Lake Champlain Aug 1911; Julius M. Wendt, American, active 1900s - 1910s, August

J.M. Wendt and J. Kirchner at Valcour N.Y. Lake Ch...

Light Wood Sellers; John Usher, Jr., American, active 1870s - 1900s, about 1870; Albumen silver print

Light Wood Sellers; John Usher, Jr., American, act...

Little boy holding an American flag, standing on a chair; A. Rinin, American, active 1900s, about 1900; Gelatin silver print

Little boy holding an American flag, standing on a...

Dryburgh Abbey; John Lennie, Scottish, active Edinburgh, Scotland 1860s - 1900s, September 20, 1865; Albumen silver print

Dryburgh Abbey; John Lennie, Scottish, active Edin...

President Theodore Roosevelt at his desk in the White House, Washington, D.C., U.S.A; R.Y. Young, American, active New York, New

President Theodore Roosevelt at his desk in the Wh...

Mr. Turner, Albany Hdwe Store; Julius M. Wendt, American, active 1900s - 1910s, 1900s; Gelatin silver print

Mr. Turner, Albany Hdwe Store; Julius M. Wendt, Am...

Black man posed on street at light pole, Albany, N.Y; Julius M. Wendt, American, active 1900s - 1910s, 1900s; Gelatin silver

Black man posed on street at light pole, Albany, N...

M.E. Wendt and her toys. Dec. 1903. 396 Clinton Ave. Albany, N.Y; Julius M. Wendt, American, active 1900s - 1910s, December

M.E. Wendt and her toys. Dec. 1903. 396 Clinton Av...

Large rafts on river loaded with barrels, derricks on shore; Attributed to Julius M. Wendt, American, active 1900s - 1910s

Large rafts on river loaded with barrels, derricks...

High angle view of Hill & Watson feed store; Julius M. Wendt, American, active 1900s - 1910s, about 1902; Gelatin silver print

High angle view of Hill & Watson feed store; Juliu...

Duluth and Vicinity; F.A. Taylor, American, active 1870s - 1900s, about 1865; Albumen silver print

Duluth and Vicinity; F.A. Taylor, American, active...

Boy in Military Dress with Helmet on Stand; E. Goubier, French, active 1890s - 1900s, 1899; Hand-colored gelatin silver print

Boy in Military Dress with Helmet on Stand; E. Gou...

Gunners of the Battleship  Oregon,  Manila Bay, Philippine Islands; R.Y. Young, American, active New York, New York and Cuba

Gunners of the Battleship Oregon, Manila Bay, Ph...

Man on street with stack of newspapers under his arm, Albany, N.Y; Julius M. Wendt, American, active 1900s - 1910s, 1900s

Man on street with stack of newspapers under his a...

Elder man with hat reading newspapers at rack, Albany, N.Y; Julius M. Wendt, American, active 1900s - 1910s, 1900s; Gelatin

Elder man with hat reading newspapers at rack, Alb...

M.E. Wendt and her dolls Dec 1903; Julius M. Wendt, American, active 1900s - 1910s, December 1903; Gelatin silver print

M.E. Wendt and her dolls Dec 1903; Julius M. Wendt...

View from City Hall tower looking South. State St. in the foreground. Albany N.Y; Julius M. Wendt, American, active 1900s

View from City Hall tower looking South. State St....

Dryburgh Abbey; John Lennie, Scottish, active Edinburgh, Scotland 1860s - 1900s, September 20, 1865; Albumen silver print

Dryburgh Abbey; John Lennie, Scottish, active Edin...

Everyday life in Japan; R.Y. Young, American, active New York, New York and Cuba 1890s - 1900s, 1901; Hand-colored Albumen

Everyday life in Japan; R.Y. Young, American, acti...

Wm. Parr; Julius M. Wendt, American, active 1900s - 1910s, 1900s; Gelatin silver print

Wm. Parr; Julius M. Wendt, American, active 1900s ...

Cap Russell, Albany Fire department; Julius M. Wendt, American, active 1900s - 1910s, 1900s; Gelatin silver print

Cap Russell, Albany Fire department; Julius M. Wen...

101 Ranch. 1910; Julius M. Wendt, American, active 1900s - 1910s, 1910; Gelatin silver print

101 Ranch. 1910; Julius M. Wendt, American, active...

Robt Webb, musician in Gartland's Band. March 1903; Julius M. Wendt, American, active 1900s - 1910s, March 1903; Gelatin silver

Robt Webb, musician in Gartland's Band. March 1903...

man with a Van Dyke beard, in 3,4 profile; Charles Bernhoeft, Luxembourgian, active 1880s - 1900s, about 1894; Gelatin silver

man with a Van Dyke beard, in 3,4 profile; Charles...

Melrose Abbey - Interior; John Lennie, Scottish, active Edinburgh, Scotland 1860s - 1900s, September 20, 1865; Albumen silver

Melrose Abbey - Interior; John Lennie, Scottish, a...

Fort Lincoln, From Block House,Indian Quarters at Fort Lincoln; F.A. Taylor, American, active 1870s - 1900s, 1870s; Albumen

Fort Lincoln, From Block House,Indian Quarters at ...

Nature's Mirror, Yosemite Falls, California, U.S.A; R.Y. Young, American, active New York, New York and Cuba 1890s - 1900s

Nature's Mirror, Yosemite Falls, California, U.S.A...

Mildred E. Wendt; Julius M. Wendt, American, active 1900s - 1910s, 1900s; Gelatin silver print

Mildred E. Wendt; Julius M. Wendt, American, activ...

Man in derby walking down street, Albany, N.Y; Julius M. Wendt, American, active 1900s - 1910s, 1900s; Gelatin silver print

Man in derby walking down street, Albany, N.Y; Jul...

Henry Grace & Ed Ryan. March 1903; Julius M. Wendt, American, active 1900s - 1910s, March 1903; Gelatin silver print

Henry Grace & Ed Ryan. March 1903; Julius M. Wendt...

Portrait of a baby boy; Benjamin, American, active DeRuyter, New York 1900s, about 1900; Gelatin silver print

Portrait of a baby boy; Benjamin, American, active...

Table with Supports in Form of Winged Rams; After a design by Francesco Antonio Franzoni, Italian, 1734 - 1818, Rome, Lazio

Table with Supports in Form of Winged Rams; After ...

He Rules the Roost; R.Y. Young, American, active New York, New York and Cuba 1890s - 1900s, 1900; Hand-colored Albumen silver

He Rules the Roost; R.Y. Young, American, active N...

Mildred sitting on birch Tree, Washington Park, Albany, N.Y; Julius M. Wendt, American, active 1900s - 1910s, May 24, 1903

Mildred sitting on birch Tree, Washington Park, Al...

M.E. Wendt and Walbillig. Albany N.Y; Julius M. Wendt, American, active 1900s - 1910s, 1900s; Gelatin silver print

M.E. Wendt and Walbillig. Albany N.Y; Julius M. We...

M.E. Wendt among the daisies. July 3 1902; Julius M. Wendt, American, active 1900s - 1910s, July 3, 1902; Gelatin silver print

M.E. Wendt among the daisies. July 3 1902; Julius ...

One of the oldest buildings now standing on Howard St. near S. Pearl St. Albany, N.Y; Julius M. Wendt, American, active 1900s

One of the oldest buildings now standing on Howard...

Rouen. Choeur de la Cathedrale; Levasseur, French, active 1900s, 1865 - 1870; Albumen silver print

Rouen. Choeur de la Cathedrale; Levasseur, French,...

A Study in Still Life; R.Y. Young, American, active New York, New York and Cuba 1890s - 1900s, 1902; Hand-colored Albumen

A Study in Still Life; R.Y. Young, American, activ...

Dudley Olcott, Banker, Sept. 1916; Julius M. Wendt, American, active 1900s - 1910s, September 1916; Gelatin silver print

Dudley Olcott, Banker, Sept. 1916; Julius M. Wendt...

Hamilton; Julius M. Wendt, American, active 1900s - 1910s, 1900s; Gelatin silver print

Hamilton; Julius M. Wendt, American, active 1900s ...

Elder white-bearded man with derby walking on Albany, N.Y. street; Julius M. Wendt, American, active 1900s - 1910s, 1900s

Elder white-bearded man with derby walking on Alba...

View along the Kenwood Creek. Albany, N.Y; Julius M. Wendt, American, active 1900s - 1910s, about 1903; Gelatin silver print

View along the Kenwood Creek. Albany, N.Y; Julius ...

elderly woman, seated; L.T. Sparhawk, American, active West Randolph, Vermont 1860s - 1900s, 1870 - 1875; Albumen silver print

elderly woman, seated; L.T. Sparhawk, American, ac...

Mildred E. Wendt in yard, 427 1st St., Albany, N.Y; Julius M. Wendt, American, active 1900s - 1910s, 1900s; Gelatin silver

Mildred E. Wendt in yard, 427 1st St., Albany, N.Y...

Bridge over Lake Washington Park. R.D. Pruyn's residence in the distance; Julius M. Wendt, American, active 1900s - 1910s

Bridge over Lake Washington Park. R.D. Pruyn's res...

Don't Increase the Dose until I Call Again.; R.Y. Young, American, active New York, New York and Cuba 1890s - 1900s, 1900

Don't Increase the Dose until I Call Again.; R.Y. ...

Ore Tracks Near Santa Cruz, California; Edward L. Woods, American, active California 1880s - 1900s, 1893; Salted paper print

Ore Tracks Near Santa Cruz, California; Edward L. ...

Mildred E. Wendt and Miss Walbillig, 427 1st, Albany, N.Y; Julius M. Wendt, American, active 1900s - 1910s, 1900s; Gelatin

Mildred E. Wendt and Miss Walbillig, 427 1st, Alba...

John McGovern; Julius M. Wendt, American, active 1900s - 1910s, about 1905; Gelatin silver print

John McGovern; Julius M. Wendt, American, active 1...

soldier in long coat, holding a riding crop; Hedblom, American, active 1900s, about 1910; Bromide print

soldier in long coat, holding a riding crop; Hedbl...

woman, printed in vignette & quasi-oval style; Paul Bourgeois, French, active 1900s, 1870s; Albumen silver print

woman, printed in vignette & quasi-oval style; Pau...

Old Isack and Bill Coulson; Julius M. Wendt, American, active 1900s - 1910s, September 1916; Gelatin silver print

Old Isack and Bill Coulson; Julius M. Wendt, Ameri...

F.A. Jones, Pittsburgh; A.B. Duncan, American, active 1870s - 1900s, 1898; Platinum print

F.A. Jones, Pittsburgh; A.B. Duncan, American, act...

M.E. Wendt, F. Myers, and Elizabeth Myers; Julius M. Wendt, American, active 1900s - 1910s, about 1909; Gelatin silver print

M.E. Wendt, F. Myers, and Elizabeth Myers; Julius ...

Portrait of Nathaniel Aiken painted by Joseph Chandler, c. 1840; N.E. Loquist, American, active Peoria, Illinois 1860s - 1900s

Portrait of Nathaniel Aiken painted by Joseph Chan...

Woman posed before an open window, probably at Haverhill, Mass; Dexter B. Vickery, American, active Haverhill, Massachusetts

Woman posed before an open window, probably at Hav...

Good Night; Charles L. Wasson, American, active 1900s - 1910s, 1903; Gelatin silver print

Good Night; Charles L. Wasson, American, active 19...

First St., Albany, N.Y; Julius M. Wendt, American, active 1900s - 1910s, 1900s; Gelatin silver print

First St., Albany, N.Y; Julius M. Wendt, American,...

Newspaper stand, Albany, N.Y; Julius M. Wendt, American, active 1900s - 1910s, 1900s; Gelatin silver print

Newspaper stand, Albany, N.Y; Julius M. Wendt, Ame...

couple: woman, standing; man seated; Paul Bourgeois, French, active 1900s, about 1865; Albumen silver print

couple: woman, standing; man seated; Paul Bourgeoi...

Ready for his Breakfast; Edward Clarke, American, active 1900s - 1910s, 1896; Hand-colored Albumen silver print

Ready for his Breakfast; Edward Clarke, American, ...

John Boos; Julius M. Wendt, American, active 1900s - 1910s, 1900s; Gelatin silver print

John Boos; Julius M. Wendt, American, active 1900s...

Wm. J. and B. Coulson; Julius M. Wendt, American, active 1900s - 1910s, 1900s; Gelatin silver print

Wm. J. and B. Coulson; Julius M. Wendt, American, ...

Little girl, standing; Kaufmann, American, active 1900s, about 1910; Gelatin silver print

Little girl, standing; Kaufmann, American, active ...

A bevy of beautiful belles in a fine floral float, Los Angeles, Cal., U.S.A; R.Y. Young, American, active New York, New York

A bevy of beautiful belles in a fine floral float,...

Miniature Rhomboidal Basket, late 1800s-early 1900s. California, Pomo, late 19th-early 20th century

Miniature Rhomboidal Basket, late 1800s-early 1900...

Miniature Round Basket, late 1800s-early 1900s. California, Pomo, late 19th-early 20th century.

Miniature Round Basket, late 1800s-early 1900s. Ca...

Jade String Pendant (left) for the Royal Ceremonial Costume, late 1800s-early 1900s. Blue silk,

Jade String Pendant (left) for the Royal Ceremonia...

Part of a Buckle or Ornament, 1800s-1900s. China, 19th-20th century. White jade; overall: 5.8 cm (2

Part of a Buckle or Ornament, 1800s-1900s. China, ...

Pansy, late 1800s - early 1900s. Firm of Peter Carl Fabergé (Russian, 1846-1920). Gold, jade,

Pansy, late 1800s - early 1900s. Firm of Peter Car...

Rabbit, late 1800s-early 1900s. Russia, St. Petersburg, late 19th-early 20th Century. Jade,

Rabbit, late 1800s-early 1900s. Russia, St. Peters...

Castle Neuschwanstein, late 1800s-early 1900s. George Percival Gaskell (British, 1868-1934).

Castle Neuschwanstein, late 1800s-early 1900s. Geo...

Jar with Design in Underglaze Iron, 1800s-1900s. Korea, Joseon dynasty (1392-1910). Porcelain with

Jar with Design in Underglaze Iron, 1800s-1900s. K...

Female Figure, 1900s. Democratic Republic of the Congo, Tabwa, late 19th or early 20th century.

Female Figure, 1900s. Democratic Republic of the C...

Hat, late 1800s-early 1900s. Central Africa, Democratic Republic of the Congo, possibly Yombe, late

Hat, late 1800s-early 1900s. Central Africa, Democ...

Staff, 1800s-1900s. The Baboon Master (African). Wood; overall: 120.7 cm (47 1/2 in.)

Staff, 1800s-1900s. The Baboon Master (African). W...

Flywhisk, late 1800s-early 1900s. Central Africa, Democratic Republic of the Congo (most likely),

Flywhisk, late 1800s-early 1900s. Central Africa, ...

Snuff Container, late 1800s or early 1900s. South Africa, Xhosa people. Hide, earth, blood

Snuff Container, late 1800s or early 1900s. South ...

Embroidered Fukusa, late 1800s-early 1900s. Japan, late 19th-early 20th century. Embroidered silk

Embroidered Fukusa, late 1800s-early 1900s. Japan,...

Miniature Rhomboidal Basket, late 1800s-early 1900s. California, Pomo, late 19th-early 20th century

Miniature Rhomboidal Basket, late 1800s-early 1900...

Jade String Pendant (right) for the Royal Ceremonial Costume, late 1800s-early 1900s. Korea, Joseon

Jade String Pendant (right) for the Royal Ceremoni...

Textile Fragment, 1800s - early 1900s. Japan, 19th - early 20th century. Silk; average: 16.6 x 10.2

Textile Fragment, 1800s - early 1900s. Japan, 19th...

Textile Fragment, 1800s-early 1900s. Japan, 19th - early 20th century. Silk; overall: 13.4 x 8.3 cm

Textile Fragment, 1800s-early 1900s. Japan, 19th -...

Man's Wearing Cloth, late 1800s - early 1900s. Indonesia, Roti ?, late 19th - early 20th century.

Man's Wearing Cloth, late 1800s - early 1900s. Ind...

Butterfly Buckle, 1800s-1900s. China, 19th-20th century. White jade; part 1: 4.6 x 6.1 cm (1 13/16

Butterfly Buckle, 1800s-1900s. China, 19th-20th ce...

Woman and Two Children, 1900s. Copy after Kubo Shunman (1757-1820). Hanging scroll; color and gold

Woman and Two Children, 1900s. Copy after Kubo Shu...

Begging Poodle, late 1800s-early 1900s. Firm of Peter Carl Fabergé (Russian, 1846-1920). Agate,

Begging Poodle, late 1800s-early 1900s. Firm of Pe...

Helmet, late 1800s - early 1900s. Guinea Coast, Nigeria,Yoruba people, late 19th-early 20th century

Helmet, late 1800s - early 1900s. Guinea Coast, Ni...

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