
8 results for: sovereign prince

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's Rijks Munt, Medal on the inauguration of William I, Prince of Orange, as sovereign prince, sprinkling penny imagery bronze

's Rijks Munt, Medal on the inauguration of Willia...

's Rijks Munt, Medal on the inauguration of William I, Prince of Orange, as sovereign prince, scattering penning footage silver

's Rijks Munt, Medal on the inauguration of Willia...

Lauer, Medal on the elevation of William VI to sovereign monarch, penning footage copper silver, silvered, bust of the Prince

Lauer, Medal on the elevation of William VI to sov...

's Rijks Munt, Medal on the inauguration of William I, Prince of Orange, as sovereign prince, sprinkling penny imagery bronze

's Rijks Munt, Medal on the inauguration of Willia...

William I, Sovereign Prince of the United Netherlands, later King of the Netherlands, Anonymous,

William I, Sovereign Prince of the United Netherla...

Severed heads for a prince on a throne, Arnold Houbraken, 1699

Severed heads for a prince on a throne, Arnold Hou...

Portraits of princes of the House of Habsburg, print maker: Franciscus Schelhauer, 1620

Portraits of princes of the House of Habsburg, pri...

The Sovereign comes, Amsterdam, The Netherlands, 1813 Anonymous, Friedrich Campe, 1813-1815

The Sovereign comes, Amsterdam, The Netherlands, 1...