
6 results for: profumo affair

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Christine Keeler seen here leaving the Old Baily Keeler who was partner of Stephen Ward and had an affair with Russian Embassy attache Eugene Ivanov and Minister for War John Profumo LMAH003

Christine Keeler seen here leaving the Old Baily K...

Sep. 09, 1963 - Lord Denning's report published. businessmen read it Lord Denning's report on the security aspects of the profumo affair published by the stationery office at 12.30 am today. photo sho...

Sep. 09, 1963 - Lord Denning's report published. b...

Front page headline "Sink? or Swim?" (relating to the Profumo affair) in the Evening News newspaper (Thursday 13th June 1963), London, UK.

Front page headline "Sink? or Swim?" (relating to ...

Jun. 13, 1963 - Cabinet Crisis over the Profumo Affair...Minister of Housing Denies Resignation Reports: Prime Minister Harold Macmillan held a cabinet meeting at admiralty House this morning - the se...

Jun. 13, 1963 - Cabinet Crisis over the Profumo Af...

Prime Minister Harold MacMillan speaking at a 1963 Conservative Fete in Bromley Kent Having come to power in 1959 with the slogan You ve never had it so good Supermac was having it badly by the summer...

Prime Minister Harold MacMillan speaking at a 1963...

Jun. 17, 1963 - Crucial Debate Opens At Westminster:The crucial debate on the PROFUMO affair opened in the House of Commons this afternoon. Photo shows A line of policemen control the head of the huge...

Jun. 17, 1963 - Crucial Debate Opens At Westminste...